Restore Your Child’s Oral Health with Safe and Painless Pediatric Dental Extractions

While children typically lose their baby teeth naturally as they mature, there are situations where dental extractions become necessary. Many parents understandably feel apprehensive about extractions, but they are essential for severely damaged or decayed teeth.

At Simply Kids Dental in Colorado Springs, Colorado, our priority is to preserve your child’s natural teeth whenever possible. However, if dental extraction is determined to be the most appropriate solution, Dr. Sean Vostatek and our team will ensure the procedure is performed safely, effectively, and with your child’s comfort as a top priority.

Why are pediatric extractions necessary?

Children typically begin losing their baby teeth around age six as their permanent teeth start to emerge, gradually pushing out the baby teeth. During this stage, the child may notice their tooth becoming loose and start wiggling it. This is normal as the tooth will naturally fall out over time.

However, there are instances where waiting for natural tooth loss isn’t feasible. In such cases, a pediatric dentist may recommend tooth extraction to prevent pain, infections, or improper eruption of adult teeth. Our office may recommend tooth extraction to resolve the following dental issues:

  • Severe tooth decay that cannot be treated with a filling or crown
  • Advanced gum disease affecting the tooth’s stability
  • A tooth severely injured due to accidents, falls, or sports injuries
  • Preparation for orthodontic treatment to create space or correct alignment
  • Extraction of impacted wisdom teeth in teenagers

Another common reason for pediatric dental extractions is when baby teeth are retained longer than usual.  Known as an ‘over-retained’ baby tooth, this situation may affect the healthy eruption of permanent teeth. Severe overcrowding may happen if the permanent tooth lacks sufficient space to take its natural spot in the baby’s mouth.

What should I expect from a dental extraction?

Dental extractions in children are generally less complicated than in adults because their teeth’s roots are not as deeply embedded in the jawbone. Similar to adults, pediatric dental extractions can be categorized as either simple or surgical procedures.

Simple extractions are suitable for teeth that are visible and accessible within the mouth. During this procedure, your child will receive local anesthesia to ensure comfort. Once relaxed, the dentist will gently elevate the tooth and use forceps to carefully remove it from its socket in one piece.

Surgical extractions are recommended for impacted wisdom teeth or teeth that have broken at the gum line. Dr. Vostatek may use a combination of local anesthesia and sedation dentistry to ensure your child’s optimal comfort throughout the procedure. In some cases, the tooth may be sectioned into smaller pieces to facilitate its removal. Afterward, the surgical site will be cleaned and stitched to promote healing.

Both types of extractions at Simply Kids Dental in Colorado Springs, Colorado, are performed with your child’s safety, comfort, and overall dental health in mind.

What should I expect after a tooth extraction?

Our office will discuss various options with you, such as the need for a space maintainer, to ensure that the adult tooth erupts correctly. However, if the permanent tooth is expected to emerge soon,  no appliance may not be necessary.

After the extraction procedure, we will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to promote smooth recovery for your child. This may include a combination of medications and home remedies aimed at helping your child return to their normal activities quickly and comfortably.

Are you looking for pediatric dental extractions?

Although no one likes dental extractions, they become necessary when restorative options are no longer viable. If your child needs tooth removal in Colorado Springs, CO, call (719) 249-2030 to schedule an appointment with Simply Kids Dental for gentle yet effective extractions.