Call or Text: (719) 598-5437

First Visit

Simply Kids Dental is dedicated to delivering safe, comfortable, and top-quality pediatric dental care tailored to your family's needs. We recognize that children may express anxiety from a visit to the dentist, and it is our priority to create a comforting environment for them while ensuring optimal care.

At your first visit our priority is all about education, compassion and a smile.

At the initial appointment, our focus centers on comfort, happiness, and well-being of your child. We will begin by reviewing dental and medical history forms and conducting digital X-rays. One of our team members will perform a dental cleaning and polish the teeth, while also examining for cavities or initial signs of tooth decay.

For your child's first appointment, please remember to bring the following information that was securely sent to you:

  • New patient paperwork
  • Insurance card

Remember the phrase, "first tooth by first birthday!"

According to the American Dental Association, children should begin visiting the dentist by their first birthday, followed by biannual checkups and routine teeth cleanings to promote a healthy smile.

Regular checkups are integral for having a healthy smile!

We understand the demands of your family's busy schedule, so please keep in mind that appointments typically last between 20 and 40 minutes when preparing for your dental visit for one to two children.  Expect 60 to 75 minutes for larger families. 

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