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Pediatric Sedation Dentistry

Dr. Sean, is recognized as the kids sedation dentist in Colorado Springs and understands that every child's response to dental visits is different and their needs varies from time to time. Always our primary objective is to alleviate dental anxiety and enhance your child's comfort during every appointment. To achieve this, we provide a range of pediatric sedation options and possess the required training, expertise, and equipment to ensure your child's safety while prioritizing their comfort.

For many children, the use of laughing gas or nitrous oxide alone is sufficient to facilitate treatment, and the need for deeper sedation is unnecessary. However, we offer various sedation methods tailored to your child's individual needs and preferences.

During the consultation appointment, we will thoroughly discuss the available treatment options with you, taking into account your child's specific requirements and circumstances. Our goal is to collaborate with you to create a customized treatment plan that optimizes your child's comfort and promotes a positive dental experience.

When your child undergoes a complex dental procedure such as a root canal, extraction, or oral surgery, opting for sedation dentistry ensures their comfort and safety throughout the treatment process. Following the completion of the sedation dental procedure, your child will have no recollection of the duration of the procedure, any discomfort, noise, or pain involved.

We take pride in offering your child the option of comfortable, safe, and effective sedation dentistry, ensuring a positive and stress-free experience. Pediatric dental patients who benefit from sedation dentistry typically experience:

  • A fear or anxiety of dental visits: Sedation dentistry helps alleviate the fear or anxiety associated with dental appointments, allowing children to feel calm and relaxed throughout the procedure.  
  • Difficulty sitting still for long durations: Some children may find it challenging to sit still for extended periods during dental treatments. Sedation helps them remain comfortable and cooperative, facilitating the completion of the procedure without discomfort.
  • Have a strong gag reflex: Pediatric dental patients who have a strong gag reflex can benefit significantly from sedation dentistry. This reflex can make it challenging for them to tolerate certain dental procedures, leading to discomfort and difficulty during treatment. Sedation helps suppress the gag reflex, allowing the dental team to perform necessary procedures more effectively and comfortably for the child.
  • A hard time getting numb from anesthetics: Children may have a hard time getting and staying numb from local anesthetics. Sedation dentistry ensures they are at ease and pain-free during the entire process, regardless of their response to anesthesia.

What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry allows your pediatric dentist to provide a variety of dental treatments safely and comfortably for children who experience anxiety when visiting the dentist. There are several benefits to sedation dentistry, including:

  • No memory of undergoing the procedure
  • No sense of time while under sedation
  • No sense of smell or sound
  • No fear or anxiety during treatment

Types of Sedation

Nitrous oxide is the mildest form of sedation.  Commonly known as laughing gas, it is a popular method used to help relax children during dental treatment. Administered with a small mask placed over the child's nose, it effectively calms anxiety by inducing a state of relaxation. Your child will remain awake and communicate with the dentist throughout the procedure.

Nitrous oxide is a mild gas that is easily inhaled and rapidly expelled from the body.  Recovery is so quick your child can resume all normal activities including school or sports.  

Oral Sedation is a recommended approach for very young, apprehensive or children who require a more complex procedure to alleviate anxiety or discomfort during dental treatments. Although your child may feel quite drowsy and might even begin to drift to sleep, they will remain conscious throughout the procedure.

Various effective medications are available for conscious sedation, and our office will prescribe the most suitable medication based on your child's overall health and dental treatment needs. We are happy to address any questions or concerns you may have regarding this procedure.

Please contact our dental practice at 719-598-5437 to schedule a consultation, learn more about sedation dentistry, and find out which sedation dentistry method may be right for your child.

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